Waste as resources in Latvia - Promotion of regional sustainability and circulation by introducing the concept of using waste as resources
With the support of the European Union environment and climate program LIFE Integrated projects, the project "Waste as resources in Latvia - Promotion of regional sustainability and circulation by introducing the concept of using waste as resources" (LIFE Waste to Resources IP) has been launched in Latvia. The leading partner of the project is the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, which implements the project in cooperation with 21 partners. The purpose of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP project is to develop and demonstrate solutions for the entire waste management cycle, implementing the measures defined in the Waste Management State Plan for 2021-2028. To improve waste management planning the project will implement activities within four thematic blocks:
a) the transition from waste to resources,
b) better product cycles and product design,
c) strengthening regional sustainability and waste and materials management,
d) sustainable consumption and social innovation.
HyroGas, as a cooperation partner in the project, is responsible for the activity "Implementation of pilot projects for determining the end status of waste". As part of this activity, it is planned to design, manufacture, install and demonstrate a waste gasification prototype for the processing of carbon-containing solid waste. After the development, testing and demonstration of the pilot plant, it is planned to develop a set of policy recommendations for the application of end-of-waste syngas produced from non-recyclable carbon containing solid waste streams, which are currently deposited in landfills after mechanical waste sorting. The goal of the project is to reduce the amount of waste landfilled in "Dziļā Vāda" by 2000 t per year after the equipment tests and operational validation are completed in accordance with the requirements of the current regulations.
After developing and demonstrating the prototype of the project, LIFE Waste to Resources IP technology will be scaled up for distribution in different regions of Latvia. The waste processing capacity of one commercial facility is expected to be 4,000 tons of waste per year. As part of the complementary activities of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP, it is planned to install 5 such facilities in Latvia.
The total budget of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP project is EUR 15,245,351.
EUR 666,475 is planned for the implementation of HyroGas activities, of which EUR 399,885 is funding from the European Union Environment and Climate Program LIFE, EUR 199,943 is funding from the State Regional Development Agency and EUR 66,648 is funding from HyroGas.